🎙️ Creator-Focused Google

Google's New Social-Focused Search Add-on


Google Leans into Creator Economy

Google is giving searchers the option to view content from individual content creators as an alternative to traditional long-form articles.

Google will soon introduce a “Perspectives Filter” to desktop Search. So users can choose to see content only from people on social media platforms, forums, and other communities.

Information such as social handles, follower count, or metrics indicating the popularity of their content will also be included.

Meanwhile, as Google develops its revamped Search Experience new ads have been spotted in testing.


TikTok is introducing a new metric called "Engaged View-Through Attribution". EVTA is designed to track conversions that occur within 7 days of a user viewing an ad for 6 seconds or more. (TiKTok)

LinkedIn's new Collaborative Articles are gaining in popularity - their fastest-growing traffic generator. The platform uses AI-generated prompts and then invites contributors to share their insights. (Social Media Today).

Amazon and Hyundai are teaming up for the first time to sell new cars on Amazon's platform. The cars will also incorporate Amazon Alexa voice assistant. (Axios)

Spotify is expanding its Podcast advertisement network to 5 new countries. Spotify has invested over a billion dollars to build up its podcast offering with 5 million titles and 100 million podcast listeners. (Reuters)

YouTube is testing a new YouTube Shorts ad buying program. The goal is to create a streamlined system for placing ads on Shorts, which now generates 70+ billion views per day, up from 50 billion in January (Ad Exchanger)


💳 Shoppable Social, Amazon's Social Ads Network Grows: Snapchat Added

🎁 Delivered By TikTok, TikTok Prepares Amazon-Style Logistics

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Written by Kole