🎨 Google Employs AI for Creative

Generative AI Features come to PMax


Google Ads Rolls Out Generative AI Features To Performance Max

Google is introducing an AI feature to help advertisers generate text and image assets for PMax ad campaigns by the end of the year.

Based on a website URL, Google will automatically create unique images that can be added to PMax campaigns.

Advertisers can also use text-to-text and text-to-image prompts to refine or generate new images from scratch.


WhatsApp is the “next chapter” for Meta according to Zuckerberg. The CEO sees it as the future of business messaging with untapped monetization opportunities. (Business Insider)

TikTok Shop is working on enabling users to find and buy digital products such as professional services. A Senior Executive also said TikTok is looking at possible partnerships with retailers to deliver perishable items such as groceries. (AdAge)

Microsoft Ads Announces New Bid Strategies For Audience Ads. Target CPA and Maximize conversions are now eligble for campaigns running on the Microsoft audience network. (Search Engine Journal)

YouTube is testing a ‘Play Something’ button that suggests Shorts content. Increasing the discoverability of Shorts content is one of the main priorities for the video app. (Social Media Today)

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Written by Kole